彭瑞祥 副研究员

彭瑞祥, 博士,副研究员,硕士生导师,入选宁波市拔尖人才。本科毕业于华中科技大学,硕士和博士先后毕业于中科院合肥物质科学研究院中国科学技术大学。2010年加入中科院宁波材料所工作,主要从事有机光电功能材料与器件的研发,在有机光电功能材料、界面调控、柔性光伏器件等方面有丰富的经验。近年来,在Nature Photonics、Advanced Materials、Journal of Materials Chemistry A、ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces等期刊上发表SCI论文60余篇,被引近3000次。申请发明专利24项,已获授权专利7项,以及在Springer出版社出版英文书籍一章。主持国家自然科学基金面上、青年项目、宁波市科技创新2025重大专项、宁波市自然科学基金重点项目。参与国家重点研发计划、国家自然科学联合基金重点项目中科院国际合作重点项目,以及中科院-壳牌前瞻计划等多个项目的研究。获得2018年度浙江省自然科学二等奖(排名第二)和2017年度宁波市自然科学二等奖(排名第二)、获得2015年度中国光学重要成果奖,2项宁波市发明创新大赛优秀奖,以及宁波市自然科学优秀论文一等奖等多项荣誉。


(1) Ruixiang Peng, Tingting Yan, Junwei Chen, Shangfeng Yang, Ziyi Ge*, Mingtai Wang*, Passivating Surface Defects of n-SnO2 Electron Transporting Layer by InP/ZnS Quantum Dots: Towards Efficient and Stable Organic Solar Cells, Advanced Electronic Materials, 2020, 6, 1901245.

(2) Ruixiang Peng, Zhiyang Wan, Wei Song, Tingting Yan, Qiquan Qiao, Shangfeng Yang, Ziyi Ge*, Mingtai Wang*, Improving Performance of Non-fullerene Organic Solar Cells over 13% by Employing Silver Nanowires Doped PEDOT:PSS Composite Interface, ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, 2019, 11, 42447-42454.

(3) Ruixiang Peng†, Zhiyang Liu†, Qian Guan, Ling Hong, Wei Song, Qiang Wei, Pingqi Gao, Jiaming Huang, Xi Fan, Mingtai Wang and Ziyi Ge*, “Highly efficient non-fullerene polymer solar cells enabled by novel non-conjugated small-molecule cathode interlayers”. Journal of Materials Chemistry A, 2018, 6, 6327-6334.

(4) Ruixiang Peng, Wei Song, Tingting Yan, Billy Fanady, Yanbo Li, Qingfeng Zhan, Ziyi Ge*, Interface Bonding Engineering of Transparent Conductive Electrode towards Highly Efficient and Mechanically Flexible ITO free Organic Solar Cells, Journal of Materials Chemistry A, 2019, 7, 11460-11467.

(5) Xinhua Ouyang†, Ruixiang Peng†, Ling Ai, Xingye Zhang, Ziyi Ge*, “Efficient polymer solar cells employing a non-conjugated small-molecule electrolyte”, Nature Photonics, 2015, 9, 520-524.

(6) Tingting Yan†, Wei song†, Jiaming Huang, Ruixiang Peng*, Like Huang, and Ziyi Ge*, 16.67% Rigid and 14.06% Flexible Organic Solar Cells Enabled by Ternary Heterojunction Strategy, Advanced Materials, 2019, 31, 1902210.

(7) Tingting Yan, Jinfeng Ge, Tao Lei, Wenxia Zhang, Wei Song, Billy Fanady, Danli Zhang, Sanhui Chen, Ruixiang Peng* and Ziyi Ge*, 16.55% efficiency ternary organic solar cells enabled by incorporating a small molecular donor16.55% efficiency ternary organic solar cells enabled by incorporating a small molecular donor, Journal of Materials Chemistry A, 2019, 7, 25894-25899.

(8) Jinna Zhang, Ruixiang Peng*, Kuibao Yu, Jinfeng Ge, Yuntong Guo, Dandan Li, Yi Qiu, Ziyi Ge*. Isogenous Acceptor Strategy Enables Highly Efficient Ternary Organic Solar Cells via Synergistic Morphology Regulation and Charge Recombination Reduction, Solar RRL, 2022, DOI: 10.1002/solr.202200508.

(9) Jie Wang, Ruixiang Peng*, Jing Gao, Dandan Li, Lin Xie, Wei Song, Xiaoli Zhang, Yaqin Fu*, Ziyi Ge*, Ti3C2Tx/PEDOT:PSS Composite Interface Enables over 17% Efficiency Non-fullerene Organic Solar Cells, ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, 2021, 38, 45789-45797.

(10)  Cui Huiqin, Song Wei, Fanady Billy, Peng Ruixiang*, Zhang Jianfeng, Huang Jiaming*, Ziyi Ge*, Flexible ITO-free Organic Solar Cells over 10% by Employing Drop-coated Conductive PEDOT:PSS Transparent Anodes. Science China Chemistry, 2019, 62, 500-505.

1.2018年 浙江省科学技术二等奖(排名第二,授予机构:浙江省人民政府)

2.2017年 宁波市科学技术二等奖(排名第二,授予机构:宁波市人民政府)

3.2017年 宁波市2015-2016年度自然科学论文一等奖(授予机构:宁波市人民政府)

4.2017年 宁波市第十三届发明创新大赛优秀奖

5.2015年 宁波市第十一届发明创新大赛优秀奖

6. 2015年 中国光学重要成果奖

中科院宁波工业技术研究院 新能源技术研究所
